News & Announcements


Notice for Annual General Body Meeting of ADE

Venue : Banquet Hall, Second Floor, Hotel Radisson Blu, Dwarka, New Delhi
Date : 17th November 2019
Time :  8.00 am - 8.30 am


  1. Welcome by President
  2. To approve the Minutes of the previous General Body Meeting
  3. Any matter arising out of the minutes
  4. Secretary’s report for the year.
  5. Treasurer’s report presenting the audited accounts for the year
  6. Any other matter arising with the permission of the chair

In case of lack of quorum at the appointed time, AGM shall remain adjourned for 10 minutes and will reassemble at the same place with the attending members.

Dr. H.B. Chandalia
President ADE
Niti Desai / Kavita Gupta
Secretaries ADE